BMJ-published independent study confirms: the Warrior’s performance is superior

A recently-published independent study compared the performance of Buddy Lite, Thermal Angel, enFlow, and Warrior. The study measured the [...]

The AC Power Supply Module is Ready for Distribution in the USA

The Warrior’s AC Power Supply Module is now ready for USA distribution! Equipped with both [...]

We wish you and yours Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018!

The QinFlow team would like to thank you for your trust, feedback, and support. We remain [...]

QinFlow launched the “NO MORE COLD BLOOD & FLUIDS” program in the USA

Our “No More Cold Blood & Fluids Program” is designed to allow emergency care professionals to experience, first hand, and without any commercial commitment whatsoever, the potential [...]

QinFlow introduces a new battery feature for long storage requirements (EU only)

New capabilities of our battery version will soon enable a few years of storage without the risk [...]

JAMA: Association of Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion During Medical Evacuation of Combat Casualties in Afghanistan With Acute and 30-Day Survival.

A JAMA-published study concluded that “among medically evacuated US military combat causalities in Afghanistan, blood [...]