Author Archives: Team Qinflow

QinFlow introduces a new battery feature for long storage requirements (EU only)

New capabilities of our battery version will soon enable a few years of storage without the risk [...]

JAMA: Association of Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion During Medical Evacuation of Combat Casualties in Afghanistan With Acute and 30-Day Survival.

A JAMA-published study concluded that “among medically evacuated US military combat causalities in Afghanistan, blood [...]

4th of July Special: QinFlow Inc. is now registered in the USA!

QinFlow has completed the registration of a legal entity in the US. “This is a [...]

5 conferences in 3 continents yielded the same feedback: emergency-care professionals embraced the Warrior’s performance and modular architecture

QinFlow participated for the first time in the EMS Today Conference (Salt Lake City, UT), tailored EMS event [...]

QinFlow unveiled plans to introduce a smaller battery for the Warrior

With the continuous effort to meet end users’ needs, QinFlow unveiled during the Special Operations [...]

The Warrior won “Seal of Excellence” from the European Commission!

Following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts, the Warrior scored as high-quality project [...]

QinFlow and Combat Medical Systems partner in the USA DOD market

QinFlow and Combat Medical Systems entered a distribution agreement for the Warrior for the USA DOD market. [...]

The Compact Disposable Unit has been launched

The Warrior’s Compact Disposable Unit is now CE approved! This unit eases storage and transportation [...]