QinFlow is proud to announce that the Extra Power battery of the Warrior lite is now available for distribution!

The Extra Power battery version for the Warrior lite is available for distribution. This cutting edge configuration can warm up to 3(!) liters of blood at up to 180(!) ml/min!!! In fact, it performs better than most hospital solutions connected to AC power source.

A few important benchmarks:

Capacity: the Extra Power battery capacity is two to threefold the declared capacity of any battery-operable alternative device.

Flow rate wise: the Extra Power battery flow rate is 20%-80% higher than the declared flow rate of any battery-operable alternative device.

Weight: no other battery-operable solution can match the Extra Power battery low operating weight required for warming 3 liters of blood. 

Affordable consumable: the same affordable and feld proven Compact Disposable Unit is used with the Warrior lite Extra Power battery configuration.

Contact us at info@qinflow.com for more information, or select the required information HERE

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