Author Archives: Team Qinflow

Bloody Marvelous

By Benjamin Levy | Innovation Strategist | Published on Linkedin This should not come as a [...]

EMS1 – Woman thanks first responders for whole-blood transfusion

FULL ARTICLE First responders said Tiffany Kieschnick-Rivas would not be alive if she had not [...]

Woman Survives Traumatic Crash Thanks To New Resource On San Antonio Fire Department EMS Units

A picture worth a thousand words. But the video that tells the amazing story of Tiffany Kieschnick-Rivas [...]

EMS1: 4 Considerations for Adopting a Prehospital Blood Administration Protocol

No longer just for hospitals and helicopters, blood products can benefit medical and trauma patients [...]

TCCC released new ARC guidelines and acknowledged Warrior’s superiority over other battery-powered warmers

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is the standard of care in Prehospital Battlefield Medicine. The [...]

FIBA & QinFlow contemplate working together to accelerate adoption for the Warrior!

After the completion of an extensive evaluation process, QinFlow has been invited to participate in [...]

Now offering 4 predefined configurations for the entire continuum of emergency care

With the entire continuum of emergency care in mind, we are now offering 4 predefined [...]

QinFlow unveils the Warrior Lite – A tiny and light portable blood/IV warmer that outperforms larger AC-operable warmers

Space and weight constrained rescue gears: stay tuned!!! The Warrior lite will be arriving soon! In [...]